@extends('admin.layouts.app') @section('panel')
@lang('Total Invests')

@lang('This') @lang('invest')

{{ $general->cur_sym }}

@if ($totalInvest > 0)

@lang('Total Investments')

{{ $general->cur_sym }}{{ showAmount($totalInvest) }}

@lang('Deposit Wallet')

{{ $general->cur_sym }}{{ showAmount($widget['invest_deposit_wallet']) }}

{{ showAmount(($widget['invest_deposit_wallet'] / $totalInvest) * 100) }}%

@lang('Interest Wallet')

{{ $general->cur_sym }}{{ showAmount($widget['invest_interest_wallet']) }}

{{ showAmount(($widget['invest_interest_wallet'] / $totalInvest) * 100) }}%

@lang('Invest not found')
@lang('Profit to Pay')
@if ($widget['profit_to_give'])

@lang('Should Pay')

{{ $general->cur_sym }}{{ showAmount($widget['profit_to_give']) }}

@lang('Paid') ({{ showAmount(($widget['profit_paid'] / ($widget['profit_paid'] + $widget['profit_to_give'])) * 100) }}%)

{{ $general->cur_sym }}{{ showAmount($widget['profit_paid']) }} / {{ $general->cur_sym }}{{ showAmount($widget['profit_paid'] + $widget['profit_to_give']) }}

*@lang('This statistics showing data excluding lifetime investment.')

@lang('No invest found to paid')
@lang('Interest Statistics by Plan')
    @foreach ($investByPlans as $key => $invest)
  • {{ __($key) }} {{ showAmount(($invest / $totalInvest) * 100) }}%
  • @endforeach
@lang('Invest & Interest')

@lang('Running Invest')


@lang('Closed Invest')



@lang('Investment Statistics by Plan')
@lang('Invest & Interest')
@if (@$firstInvestYear->date)
@lang('Recent Investments')
@foreach ($recentInvests as $invest)
{{ $invest->plan->name }} - @lang('Every') {{ __($invest->time_name) }} {{ $invest->plan->interest_type != 1 ? $general->cur_sym : '' }}{{ showAmount($invest->plan->interest) }}{{ $invest->plan->interest_type == 1 ? '%' : '' }} @lang('for') @if ($invest->plan->lifetime == 0) {{ __($invest->plan->repeat_time) }} {{ __($invest->plan->time_name) }} @else @lang('LIFETIME') @endif
@lang('Invested'): {{ showAmount($invest->amount) }} {{ $general->cur_text }}

@lang('Start Date')

{{ showDateTime($invest->created_at, 'd M, y h:i A') }}

@lang('End Date')

{{ showDateTime($invest->created_at, 'd M, y h:i A') }}

@lang('Net Profit')

{{ $invest->period != -1 ? showAmount($invest->period * $invest->interest) . ' ' . $general->cur_text : '---' }}

@endsection @push('style') @endpush @push('script') @endpush